Select Based on Individual Traits
Every person has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. As you hire new team members, make a point to ask your new hires what they think their weaknesses and strengths look like. Take notes about these strengths and weaknesses with every new team member, and then use this as a guide to setting up your work team. You want to select your team members based on individual traits as well as take an aerial view of all the members as a whole. Look for places where there are gaps and fill them by selecting the right people for the job. Not only will you succeed in building a productive team, but this will also cause every person to rely on each other in a unique way. You'll also build compatibility and trust within your company.
Choose a Leader
Though everyone has his or her strengths and weaknesses, it's important that there's at least one person who takes charge. Look for someone with the necessary business experience and job knowledge to get everything done smoothly and keep everyone on task. Choosing a leader can happen two ways: either the group naturally chooses a leader, or you need to appoint a leader. If a leader isn't chosen for a specific team or crew, then it's likely no one will want to stand up and take charge. This can happen because people don't want to look like a leader to their peers or take the responsibility of becoming the team captain.
Encourage Peer Reviews
Peer reviews aren't utilized enough in the workplace. This is because either no one wants people to see his or her work or folks don't want to take responsibility for their work. While peer reviews can seem unnecessary and counterproductive, they're actually quite conducive to good work production. If an employee produces an article, an analysis, or a manuscript, these documents should pass through the hands of fellow team members. Not only can peer reviews nurture a culture of teamwork, but they also provide constructive criticism toward the owners of the pieces. This will help your team member grow in his or her work, learn to work harder, and bond your team together throughout the process.
Helping your team get more work done is essential for hitting goals and making more money within your workplace. Remember to select team members based on their individual traits, choose a leader, and encourage peer reviews. This will get your team working harder in no time.
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