Workplaces throughout the world have had to make many adjustments due to Covid-19, and as they say, “the show must go on”. Some businesses have been able to work remotely, but for others, going into their place of work is a daily necessity. Wearing a mask, being socially distant, and frequent hand washing are a few commonly known ways to stop the spread of Covid-19. The list below can help you determine the risk assessment of certain workplace activities.
Work Environment
Working remotely, or in a private setting have the lowest risk level but is not practical for certain businesses. If your employees are unable to work in a secluded setting, enforcing social distancing measures in the office puts your employees at the moderate risk level. Working in close proximity with others, or frequent interactions with coworkers is the highest risk in the workplace. If your business does not have a way of working around this, mask wearing, hand sanitizing, and constant cleaning of your work station is strongly recommended.
The commute is unavoidable for those working in particular industries. Driving to work by yourself, riding a bicycle, or walking provides the lowest risk to commuters. If this option is unavailable to you, using a ride share app, or carpooling with a fellow coworker puts you at the moderate risk level. Public transportation exposes your chance of being infected with Covid-19 much higher, so remember to wipe down the area you are sitting in and sanitize your hands often.
Meetings are a fantastic way to bring employees together, make sure everyone is on the same page, and have the best communication possible within your business. You and your employees are the safest when conducting meetings virtually, or having outdoor, socially distanced meetings. The moderate safety level meetings are held in small groups, indoors. Larger indoor meetings, or Townhall meetings, will expose employees to the highest risk. If you must conduct any type of indoor meeting, be sure that everyone is wearing a mask, and the meeting area is thoroughly cleaned before and after the meeting occurs.
See Additional Risk Levels Below